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Just wanted to share our bundles of appreciation. We were honored to help this wonderful gifter celebrate members belonging to an organization of professional educators.

Educators are a driving force in our society.  Their effort and commitment are priceless.  It is important that  we all take time out to recognize and support those that commit to improving education.

Organizational Member Arrangement

Executive Member Arrangement

At OATM, we love group arrangements!!

~ Continue to celebrate life and those that help to make it so wonderful!!!


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Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

Celebrating Our Educators

We were so excited to find that today was National Teacher's Day. Educators are some of our societies most important contributors. Apparently, the first Tuesday in May is always National Teachers Day. 

It was especially interesting to find that so many famous icons reflect on those teachers whose presence had a lasting impact on their life. Isn't that what teaching is all about?!*

We all know that our countries educational system has great challenges.  However, in the midst of sorting out the systems woes, we must not forget to celebrate those committed educators. We need teachers! We need to support them because we need them equipped to give their best so we can learn to be our best.

At OATM, we are honored to have the opportunity to help a great gifter celebrate an organization of educators.  We were so pleased that this gifter accepted our organizational proposal to celebrate this great group. Gift's of Appreciation are some of our favorites.

What better group to thank! These individuals are being given a big Thank You for their support and commitment to being great members to this organization.

We look forward to sharing with you as we create bundles of appreciation on behalf of this great gifter to those wonderful educators. ~

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Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC