American Made

Happy Fourth of July!! Aren't you proud to be an American?? This is the weekend that we celebrate our country by eating good food and enjoying good company.  Because we all have the same thing in mind - having a good time! How do you celebrate our countries Independence Day?

At OATM, we are celebrating our countries independence by letting you know just how proud we are to be an American born trademark. Courtesy of our vendors from north Georgia, we are so excited to introduce a small but significant addition to our arrangements. 

Shouldn't an American trademark display the American flag? These small flags will now accompany every OATM creation.  So we look forward to acknowleding our country - whose belief in freedom and equality makes OATM possible - as we help you celebrate any occasion life brings. ~

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

Hello Again!

We would say we are back, but we didn't go anywhere! Where have we been? Yes, it seems that we took a long coffee break. We are never too busy to create for you. In fact, we can't wait to share
with you what's been keeping us busy.   

Summer is finally here (yes, we know tell that to the weather we have been having). So many occasions to celebrate, so little time? Let us worry about that! We hope you are continuing to celebrate life and . . . . . . see you soon!

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC