Our Baby Love

   Earlier last month we were asked to create something for a precious baby girl. We wanted to be sure this gifters excitement for her arrival was reflected in every inch of this arrangement.

At OATM, we are always looking for ways to maximize your gift giving while keeping the peace in your wallet. With this large horizontal containing, we piled on the gifts - literally!

This natural wood arrangement is layered with goodies. From the bottom to the top - we were sure to include things mommy (and daddy - we can't forget him!) requested. We acquired and shopped babies registry for this gifter.

                                                                                                           If you have a theme in mind or want us to develop one - we'll work it out. We decided to be all about butterflys for this baby girl! This gifter also wanted to focus on this bundles first months in their new world and new home. So, we did just that.

This little one has been in her new world for a few weeks now, and we certainly hope she, mommy, and daddy feel and enjoy all the love this gifter has for them. We are so happy to help them celebrate the new life that has come into their lives ~ 

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