
Only 5 more days until Fall! Fall (Autumn) is our absolute favorite time of the year. Why? Maybe we should give some credit to the phenomenal colors.

Might it also be that Fall stands to remind us that some of our most cherished holidays are so near.

Although leaves will meet their end, in our experience things always become that much more lively.

We hope you are getting ready to celebrate and enjoy this beautiful seasonal change as well. It has certainly been a great Summer and we hate to bid it adieu. However, we are truly elated to say 'Hello Fall!'.

So our blog may be in hibernation (still wondering if we can postpone the urge to share!), but we are never to busy to help you celebrate life. 

We are looking forward to the Fall/Winter season. We're already drafting holiday proposals– thus you may understand our need for a little nap!

Don't forget to check in with our blog list and all the great organizations we follow. Website updates are on their way. Oh! And yes, continue to enjoy the music! (looking forward to our Fall/Winter playlist too!) Catch up with you soon, but until then be sure you continue to celebrate life ~

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