Holiday Comfort

Did we forget to highlight our second seasonal offering?? Certainly Not!! This arrangement was truly a joy to create!

How can we have Holiday Joy without a little Holiday Comfort - food?! We certainly hope they were enjoyed this holiday season. 

We made sure this one could find its spot within the feasting of your holiday season. Peach Preserves from the House of Webster are sure to find a great spot in your morning holiday meals. 

Cinnomon Bun Mix from Stonewall Kitchen can find a great spot on any day.  Upon what shall you enjoy your these gourmet delights?? Why not Dinnerware from Espana?! 

These great finds in addition to all the other great items in this containing turned into one of our favorite seasonal offerings yet - we hope the lucky receivers agree!!  Merry Christmas ~

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Copyright 2011 Occasional Arrangements, TM LLC 

Holiday Joy

Only 5 more days until the eve of the most anticipated holiday of every year. 

What better time to highlight all the joy we bundled into OATM's Christmas Seasonal Offerings. 

Our medium seasonal offering for the this years Christmas holidays was such fun to arrange.

Our highlights for this arrangement include Cider House Gourmet Cinnamon Spiced Cider (Variations: Cranapple Cider & Caramel Apple Cider!!).

How could we not include fresh roasted peanuts courtesy of The Peanut Depot (Variations: other great food finds!).

We certainly hope these lucky receipients enjoyed every drop and bite, not to mention all the other rays of joy this arrangement has to offer ~

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC


It Has Arrived !!

  ~ The Christmas Holidays have finally come! Are you ready?? We are elated to celebrate the holiday season with you and yours. 

~ What better time to celebrate life and all those that make it complete. Have you completed your shopping? Have you just started?? Finishing??? If so, you are definitely on a great on a roll!!

~ As you brave the crowds and prepare for your celebrations make sure to take some time out to enjoy the sights and moments that truly create our winter holiday season.

~ Be sure to check in with Our Blog List and other great organizations – they always have something great to share.  

~ Enjoy the OATM Winter Playlist. What song is playing? Is it one of your Christmas favorites?? Heard it before???Hopefully, it puts you in the mood – bringing peace to your mind and joy to your heart.

~ Although we stand behind 'Any Occasion' bringing you the opportunity to 'Celebrate Life', nothing tops the holiday season. 

~ We look forward to sharing the details and features of our OATM Holiday Signatures!

 We certainly hope they bring many smiles during this Holiday Season. We'll let you get back to celebrating your 24 Days of Christmas! Catch up with you soon ~

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Copyright 2011 Occasional Arrangements, TM LLC