Valentine's Highlights

Now we must bid Valentine’s Day Adieu. But who says we can’t relish in the great finds we included in this seasonal arranging?!@#* Hope you all enjoyed!!

We just had to include Tazo’s ALL New!! Zero Calorie naturally sweetened tea.  With all the lovely sweets this season brings this beverage should do anything but add to the your sweet lovers remorse .

Our second seasonal arranging includes our new found love – Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory.  If you aren’t lucky enough to have one of their stores near you – no worries! They are sure to be a repeat in our local seasonal arranging to come.

We are truly proud of our product mix this season and feel confident that we stood up to our mission – helping you celebrate life and those within.  More importantly Occasional Arrangements, TM doesn’t just seek to stuff containing –

often an aim for many mainstream “gift basket” companies.  Our team works hard to include  quality items that celebrate each season and include elements of function, surprise, and inspiration.

We are also proud to say that every square inch of these seasonal arranging’s was MADE IN AMERICA.  That’s right!! Don’t get us wrong - We love the world and every country, culture, and person within (we will certainly look to get a little international every now and then). 

We also love our country – after all we are an American Brand!! For this Valentine’s Day we wish you love, pride, and an extra boost to celebrate your life and the lives of others ~

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Copyright Since 2011 Occasional Arrangements, TM LLC