Supporting Blogs that Rock!

We are all about support! We support you in your effort to celebrate life and the great people lucky enough to know YOU! We also like to support other great causes and offerings. Take a look to the right, do you see the column - "Blogs we Love!". We really do love these Blogs take a look:
Damask Love: We've been following Damask Love and its creator Amber for a little over a year now. This is our newest addition to the "Blogs we love" list. Just take a look, we don't have to explain how truly unique and wonderful this is.  Damask Love now has a .com but we're lucky enough to continue getting feed updates. Child Psychologist by day and talented crafter by night - we always look forward to what Amber has to share.
Born and Raised in the South: I don't think our love for this blog needs much explanation. After all, OATM is born and raised to live, give, and celebrate right here in the Southern U S of A!! There's not too many things we love better than The South. This blog is truly eclectic - you never know what you'll get (great music too!).  Our favorite? The live traffic feed!!!! (Hey check out our page views in the bottom left - we're over 1,000 (pretty good for our modest operations!)  !!!!!
Midsouth Stagers: Speaking of our Southern Roots, what better time to "re-introduce" Lauren owner of Midsouth Stagers. We anxiously await for Lauren's next home stage or truly unique creations. Lauren's a great artist as well!
Little Brown Pen: Another blog who has recently gone .com is Little Brown Pen, now known as Obvious State Studio. For almost two years we have ooo'd and ahhh'd at Nicole's Paris Photography. Visit the Paris Print Shop on Etsy (a sure to see in our arranging!)  or buy a coffee table book on Amazon. Little Brown Pen is a clear example of how passion creates and enhances life.

And don't forget our feeds (left & right!) . . . . .

Dailygood.org,  where you can be inspired to do good and be good!

Positive Impact Magazine Stories, where the world can always catch something positive

29 Gifts, the book that inspired a movement - just wont stop (Thank God!!) !

As we always suggest . . .

Hit "Next Blog" at the top, you never know what you may find in the great Blogosphere . . .                  

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