Summer visits our Playlist!
It's Summertime!! Yes, we know it's not the official first day of summer but we are proclaiming that it is officially summer on OATM's Blogspot.  So take a look at our summer additions to the OATM Signature Playlist. Yes' we've kept the same Playlist for some time. NO - we probably won't do a new playlist for every season (with exception of Christmas!) but will certainly add great music here and there.  Take a look at our Add ons . . . . .

"Mustang Sally" - Wilson Pickett
"Margaritaville" - Jimmy Buffett
"3 o'clock Blues" - BBKing & Eric Clapton
"Body & Soul" - Esperanza Spalding
"Under the Boardwalk" - The Drifters
"Summer Breeze" - Seals & Carfts
"Saturday in the Park" - Chicago
"Hot fun in the Summertime" - Hall & Oats
"This one's for the girls" - Martina McBride
"All I wanna do" - Sheryl Crow
"Grease: Summer Fun" - John Travolta & Olivia Newton John
"Isn't she Lovely" - Stevie Wonder
"Superstition" - Stevie Wonder

Don't be shy, our playlist is your playlist. Is there something you want to hear, head to it!! Better yet, let the shuffle play and be surprised by what you hear next. What better way to celebrate life than with music?

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

Supporting Blogs that Rock!

We are all about support! We support you in your effort to celebrate life and the great people lucky enough to know YOU! We also like to support other great causes and offerings. Take a look to the right, do you see the column - "Blogs we Love!". We really do love these Blogs take a look:
Damask Love: We've been following Damask Love and its creator Amber for a little over a year now. This is our newest addition to the "Blogs we love" list. Just take a look, we don't have to explain how truly unique and wonderful this is.  Damask Love now has a .com but we're lucky enough to continue getting feed updates. Child Psychologist by day and talented crafter by night - we always look forward to what Amber has to share.
Born and Raised in the South: I don't think our love for this blog needs much explanation. After all, OATM is born and raised to live, give, and celebrate right here in the Southern U S of A!! There's not too many things we love better than The South. This blog is truly eclectic - you never know what you'll get (great music too!).  Our favorite? The live traffic feed!!!! (Hey check out our page views in the bottom left - we're over 1,000 (pretty good for our modest operations!)  !!!!!
Midsouth Stagers: Speaking of our Southern Roots, what better time to "re-introduce" Lauren owner of Midsouth Stagers. We anxiously await for Lauren's next home stage or truly unique creations. Lauren's a great artist as well!
Little Brown Pen: Another blog who has recently gone .com is Little Brown Pen, now known as Obvious State Studio. For almost two years we have ooo'd and ahhh'd at Nicole's Paris Photography. Visit the Paris Print Shop on Etsy (a sure to see in our arranging!)  or buy a coffee table book on Amazon. Little Brown Pen is a clear example of how passion creates and enhances life.

And don't forget our feeds (left & right!) . . . . .

Dailygood.org,  where you can be inspired to do good and be good!

Positive Impact Magazine Stories, where the world can always catch something positive

29 Gifts, the book that inspired a movement - just wont stop (Thank God!!) !

As we always suggest . . .

Hit "Next Blog" at the top, you never know what you may find in the great Blogosphere . . .                  

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

A "Work Happy" Birthday

Hello you wonderful gifters! Happy Spring!! Just thought we'd share on of our Corporate/Organizational Arranging.  This great workplace has decided to partner with us (we're so lucky!) to celebrate employee birthdays.

Hopefully this hard worker can boast an extra bright smile after receiving this arranging. 


Are you enjoying the OATM Signature Playlist?  Maybe it will help you get threw that workday on an even more positive note.  A new season is fast approaching and we look forward to adding some favorites. Enjoy the music!!!

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

"Tag"! We're It!!

This is the month for Celebrating Love. Shouldn't we do this all year?? We'll we certainly plan to love all year round.  Our love of celebrating life, goes into every arrangement. And now that sentiment will be further enhanced by our newest accessory. 

Yes, the OATM "Tag" as received a bit of an upgrade thanks to some really special and unique partners.  We are in absolute love! 

Here you see our new signature color but stay tuned this year - this isn't the only color, size, or shape of the OATM tag.

If we customize for you, our Tag's will certainly have to follow suit. Keep celebrating life, and those within - and don't forget to let us in on the action ~

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

A New Look?

We aren’t done yet! Hopefully you caught our previous post on our New Year details. We have more to share. Listen up!
A New Look

"pic courtesy the greenfrogstudio"

That’s right we will soon be sharing our new look. Those loyal gifters and lucky receivers may have already noticed this cool change. We are ready to share . .  but . .  we are going to hold on to this fun news for one more month (hope we can make it). We took  a few breaks from designing custom creations for you to do a little custom creation for OATM. We like to think of this as OATM’s birthday gift. Can’t wait to celebrate this new addition with you.

New Partnerships

* image courtesy
Well, maybe “new” isn’t the appropriate word. OATM is truly humbled to announce our first partnership. While we do partner with organizations, companies, and businesses in our business/organizational specializations, we were truly surprised to be approached by a young brand. I suppose you can say we’ve been commissioned to help them showcase their truly unique and awesome product. You will know first once this project is completed.  Additionally, OATM is now including advertising and promotions from local (certainly open to national) businesses, organizations. Wow, this just adds to the treats you can find in an Occasional Arrangements, TM.  As always there is more to share. Stay close (Don’t forget to sign up for our posts to come to you, direct to your Inbox)!

New Year Line Up!

What an accomplishment! We are so exciting to start this exciting New Year off with you.  Our resolution? To continue to help you celebrate life and those special people who make it worth living.  Before we jump into our New Year plans, we have a must share.  We helped a fun host thank their special New Years Eve guests for joining the party.

A dozen or so of these bundles were hopefully enjoyed by these special party goers. These bundles also introduce one our new containing’s (discussed below). This month, we look forward to sharing our exciting plans for our new year.  Let’s get started!


OATM is unique because we not only invest in quality arranging but the products we include are truly a treat.  This won’t stop! It only gets better from here.  This year, we pledge to do a better job of discussing the wonderful goodies our lifters are enjoying. Certainly those brands we enjoy will continue to grace our arranging.  We also look forward to including local products in this year’s arranging. We’d name drop but, we’ll save those surprises for our lucky gifters (certainly we’ll share with you as well).


This is the year of OATM Specializations.  That’s right we have more specialization projects and stagings.  We did a little research by reaching out to our OATM family.  We knew we would invest in new containing but needed a little help in traveling in the right direction.  The New Year’s Eve bundles you’ve seen in this blog post are just one example.  These containing were well packed with goodies and were also budget friendly for this generous hostess. We can’t wait to do more!!

More ahead stay tuned! Sign up to get our posts direct in your Inbox

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Since 2011 Occasionally Arranged, TM LLC

Merry Holidays
Joy to the world - It’s officially the holiday season.  We hope you are sharing in our excitement for the holidays.  We are even more excited about the fast approaching New Year.
OATM has so many great things in store. As usual, we also have great additions and new offerings ahead. As always, we are your partner in celebrating life and those special people within.  Our seasonal arranging is limited this season as we’ve been busy with our customized signature/group offerings.
For more information on our signature and group arranging visit our site. We want to encourage you gifters to enjoy your holiday season giving! Check back with us in the New Year as we continue to celebrate life and another OATM birthday!!

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Occasional Arrangements, TM LLC

Do you feel what we feel??

We think it feels like Fall! Just sit outside, close your eyes, and listen to mother earth. We think you’ll feel it too!! Our favorite time of year has us ready to get busy helping you celebrate those great people in your life! We are so excited about what this seasonal change will bring!!

OATM Summer Arranging was well received! Thank You!! Now, we can’t help but reflect upon last years Fall Arranging. These will certainly be hard to top but we are ready for the challenge.  Fall Arranging is on its way!

Many wonder and ask “Where can we get OATM Signature Arranging at any time?”. Great question and we are so grateful to our loyal gifters! At this time, OATM will continue to share seasonal signatures with our partners.

Oh, but next year will bring great changes as we work to continue and improved upon our mission in helping you celebrate life!

Remember, Anyday can be an occasion for celebration. What are you celebrating today?

< Empowered by Votre Mot >
Copyright Occasional Arrangements, TM LLC