Celebrating Women and Peanut Butter!

Today March 1st, 2011 is the first day of the the first National Women's
History Month ever!! We were surprised to find that there was no Women's History Month before this very day. More disappointing is that we personally never thought about this. You should definitely read the proclamation. This month is a perfect month to give a unique and special gift to a wonderful woman in your life! Whether you lean right, left, or stand as an independent, this is an important and significant proclamation by our current white house administration.

Who do you think is an important woman in history?

And today we want to join in and celebrate the love of peanut butter!! Actually, this entire month is "Peanut Month". Peanut Butter is truly an American staple. Some like it in candy, some like it roasted, and some like to eat it directly off the spoon. At Occasional Arrangements, TM we love peanuts also (we like it in cookies, can you tell?!?).! Speaking of peanuts, we have actually placed peanuts from Birmingham, AL's The Peanut Depot in some of our arrangements. They sell them roasted, salted, cajun (fyi-very cajun), and raw. So if you want an arrangement for a peanut lover be sure and let us know so we can include fresh peanuts from The Peanut Depot. ~

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